Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Started Krumping

A week or so ago, I was at my local Nathans. By now you know that I go there as both a shameless excuse to go to an arcade and to keep my mother off my back. Yes mother, I’m exercising, trying to get in better shape for getting a job. Well, I realized that I’ve been playing Pump it Up! International Dance Floor (Phew, what a long title) for quite a while. I was playing when Ocean One Mall in Atlantic City existed. I looked online and tried to Google when it exactly closed down, and the closest I’ve gotten was 2003. I remember seeing both PIU and a few months later DDR showing up at the arcade there. It was 2001. The game was “The Premiere” version which apparently was the US-friendly version (now with pre-crazy Britney Spears for little 5 year olds!). As an aside DDR’s machine was in it’s 3rd Mix. I find it ironic that I decided to go with Ma-Mike Revolution, because I recall tossing the idea of “Mike It Up!” As the name of my blog even though I am nowhere as good in DDR as I am in Pump.

I had downtime in 2003/2004 when Ocean One was gone. I heard the rumor of Pump It Up being in Nathans. I went and checked and it wasn’t there. I was assured again by friends (read: Auntie Susie’s Children) that it was. I checked again a week or so later and there it was, right where they said. I never thought machines could move so quickly. The version was The Perfect Collection and it hasn’t changed ever since. It’s sad actually, Premiere was about 8th/9th edition. Perfect is 6th. I’ve downgraded. Back in the day I even played with Arlyne. Hah. I’m sad I guess, because I still play.

(If I need to play anything really current for the game luckily the Pallisades Mall keeps updated.)

Fast-Forward to now. I’m still playing and I do doubles. I can’t do anything really hard. My biggest accomplishment is Beethoven Virus on Hard. I watch all these videos on YouTube of breakers on Pump it up, and it made me feel quite unaccomplished. So what did I do that day last week? I started Krumping.

…Or what I call Krumping. I figure, I really don’t care if anyone is watching I paid 50 cents dammit and I’m gonna be entertained. And I really needed another way to burn a few calories. So I brought the booty. I’ve started putting steps from line dances. I’ve started to cha-cha-cha my way through some. There’s a little Broadway/Jazz-hands included. Basically, I look like a moron.

There’s the big difference between me and the breakers. I feel like Fanny Pak on America’s Best Dance Crew up against those interchangeable crews Supreme Super Boogie-Wockies.

I guess I put on a show in my own head. I wish I could watch myself play so I could tell myself, I look like an ass, Good work! Eric is oft embarrassed and sits on a bench a little ways away at the Mall, similarly to my dad who was upstairs reading the newspaper in Ocean One.

At least I’ve impressed some mothers in NY, NJ, and in Disney World.

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