Thursday, September 11, 2008

Somehow a blog about Titanic, Theodore Roosevelt, and Asians

I didn’t want to accept the fact that I’ve grown another year. The last year was a good mix of experiences, firsts, and lasts. After graduating, I still would like to talk to and visit friends, but I really don’t know how much I can do. Well, at least in person. I managed to stop in and visit “the Asians” during a club fair and helped table. I hugged one acquaintance and she was like, “So I’ll see you around right?” and I was like, “Uhhh… I graduated.”

“You Did?”

Yes I understand that a lot of times SUNY New Paltz suffer from the 5 year program. Sorry, I guess I was motivated and driven. I had a plan. Although I’m still searching for a job that fits me now, I have made a lot of moves to get me to a place that I like.

Erm, where was I? This post wasn’t supposed to be about my graduation

I watched a special on ABC last night about how prettier people get perks in life. So I have a goal of becoming prettier…err more handsome so I can get perks. I never got perks. Well, I mean I have a boyfriend and I know ugly people who don’t have boyfriends. Then again, I also knew ugly people who dated ugly people and that just is gross. Haha. I’m narcissistic. Step one: check.

As one measure I’m trying to grow out my hair into a decent length, nothing tacky but still “good looking.” I guess I just need a break from spikes. I actually wanted to put some red back into my hair, but I couldn’t find the box-o-red that I used to use. I’m right now working on a middle part, since I realized I suffer from fat face if I have bangs; thus leading to figuring out hairstyles that use a little bit of forehead. So I found an inspiration point: the often handsome Leonardo DiCaprio. I did find him kind of ugly in both The Man In The Iron Mask and Gangs of NY. I’m not sure which era though, I mean I really did like the Romeo + Juliet era hair, but I think I’m going to go for circa Titanic hair. I always wondered if my hair had a light wave to it if I grew it out.

Eric is trying to grow out his hair as well. I met him with longer hair, and although I love him no matter what his hair looks like, I do prefer the short hair. It’s cuter. I actually prefer him looking a little scruffy and with short hair. If he has long hair, I prefer shaved. I guess it’s a hair ratio (I should probably tell him this). I wonder what he thinks of my hair?

(Earlier on in our relationship, we were both thinner. I'm working on losing the weight. I had Ribs on the Run last week.)

Eric’s hair now, because it hasn’t gotten to behind the ear status has a little bit of a flip in the front. It’s odd. Last week he also had a little remnant of Theodore Roosevelt moustache. The beginning stages.

We’ll see how long I last with the hair growing thing, I did cut it earlier this summer because I couldn’t take it, but it surprisingly has grown pretty quick. Maybe it’s the Rice Milk I’m having with my cereal.

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