Monday, January 30, 2006


...that last comment came from someone very sour. Eric and I are still friends. We went and watched Nanny McPhee today. A very good movie. I covered Eric at the diner.

Do/Did I deserve Eric? Well personally I deserved a chance. I have accumulated a huge phone bill because of him. Because I wanted to talk to him. I went out of the way so that we could go to Disney together. I watched fireworks with him, we had a moment. I spent nights talking to him. We spent random nights going to the diner and ordering the same thing. We cuddled lots. He loves me. I love him.

It's just not the right time.

Oh and I make people break up with me. Because its not in my nature to crush other people's dreams. I would rather sacrifice myself to make someone else feel better. It's kinda being chivalrous i guess. Letting my jacket get wet so that you can walk over a puddle.

Oh well...

- Paz

1 comment:

Michelle said...

i wonder if you got my "canada" quicktime email thing. oh and about you and eric, I liked him! you slut. haha.

please don't turn into an A-leen site because I cannot stand the "i'm with someone new/ i gave you my heart and you've torn it apart...". It's one too many as it is.

What does "i covered Eric at the diner" mean? if it's gross don't go into it.

Okee, call me or whatever. I need to speak to you anyway.